Pavel Durov, the enigmatic billionaire behind the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France on Saturday, August 24, 2024. The arrest took place at Le Bourget Airport, just north of Paris, as Durov’s private jet touched down. The news sent shockwaves across the tech world and beyond, as Durov, known for his staunch stance on privacy and free speech, was apprehended under a warrant related to the operations of Telegram.
The arrest stems from an investigation into Telegram’s moderation practices – or lack thereof. Durov, 39, is accused of failing to implement sufficient measures to curb criminal activities on the platform. This includes serious allegations that Telegram has been used for drug trafficking, the distribution of child sexual content, and various fraudulent schemes.
While Telegram has previously denied accusations of inadequate moderation, French authorities seem unconvinced, leading to this high-profile arrest.
The Controversies Surrounding Telegram and Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov is no stranger to controversy. Born in Russia and now residing in Dubai, where Telegram is based, Durov holds dual citizenship in the United Arab Emirates and France. He founded Telegram in 2013, after leaving Russia following a refusal to comply with government demands to shut down opposition groups on his earlier social media platform, VKontakte.

Durov / IG / Telegram Boss Pavel Durov’s defiance has often put him at odds with various governments, particularly in Russia. Here, Telegram was banned in 2018 after Durov refused to hand over user data.
Although the ban was lifted in 2021, the incident highlighted the ongoing tensions between Durov and governmental authorities.
However, Telegram’s popularity, particularly in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet Union states, has been both a blessing and a curse for Durov. The app’s emphasis on privacy and encryption has made it a go-to platform for those seeking to avoid government surveillance. However, this same feature has also attracted nefarious users who exploit Telegram’s relatively lenient moderation policies.
Critics argue that Telegram’s large group chat capabilities – allowing up to 200,000 members – make it easier for illegal activities to go undetected.
The Legal Battle Over Messaging App’s Content Moderation
The heart of the issue lies in Telegram’s content moderation. Cybersecurity experts have long pointed out that Telegram’s approach to handling extremist and illegal content is significantly weaker than that of other social media platforms.

Durov / IG / While Telegram has removed some problematic groups, its overall system of moderating content has been criticized as insufficient.
This has led to accusations that the platform enables the spread of conspiracist, neo-Nazi, paedophilic, and terror-related content. Something law enforcement agencies worldwide are eager to curb.
French authorities have taken these concerns seriously, which is why Pavel Durov was apprehended as soon as he landed in the country. The arrest could mark the beginning of a lengthy legal battle. Not only for Durov personally but also for the future of Telegram as a platform.
International Reactions and Political Ramifications Following Durov’s Arrest
The arrest of Pavel Durov has not gone unnoticed by the international community. On Sunday, the Russian Embassy in France posted on Facebook, expressing its intention to clarify the reasons for Durov’s detention and to ensure his rights are protected. The Embassy also lamented the lack of cooperation from French authorities, sparking a diplomatic row between the two countries.
Similarly, several Russian officials have condemned the arrest, accusing the West of double standards regarding free speech and democracy. They argue that while Western nations champion these values, they are quick to punish those who do not align with their regulatory expectations.